Wednesday 01.15.25

Wednesday 01.15.25

WOD: “Oil & Water” 3 Rounds x AMRAP 5: 30/24 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 30 Wallballs (20/14) 15 Burpees * Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds * Pick-up Where You Left Off
Tuesday 01.14.25

Tuesday 01.14.25

Strength: Weighted Strict Pull-up (3×5) 12:00 Running Clock 3 Sets: 5 Weighted Strict Pull-ups • Build In Weight To Technical Failure – If you don’t have strict pull-ups do 5 Banded Pull-Ups WOD: “Regional Manager” 10 Rounds For Time: 200 Meter Run 1 Rope...
Monday 01.13.25

Monday 01.13.25

Strength: Back Squat (3×5) 15:00 Running Clock 3 Sets: 5 Back Squats •Rest 20 Seconds – 3 Dumbbell Squat Jumps (Very Light) *Aim for ~75-80% of 1RM *Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets WOD: “Macho Man V2” On the Minute x 10: 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Push...
Saturday 01.10.25

Saturday 01.10.25

WOD: “Cruella De Vil” 4 Rounds For Time: P1: 500/450 Meter Row P2: 200 Meter Farmers Carry P2: 500/450 Meter Row P1: 200 Meter Farmers Carry Together: 16 Synchro Single Arm Devil’s Press Dumbbells: (50/35)’s Time Cap: 30...
Friday 01.10.25

Friday 01.10.25

Strength: Thruster (3×12) 12:00 Running Clock: 3 Sets 12 Unbroken Reps Sets of 12 reps should be completed unbroken without dropping the bar. A rough estimate of where you might complete these reps is at 55-65% of your 1RM thruster. WOD: “Cake Walk” For Time:...
Wednesday 01.08.24

Wednesday 01.08.24

Strength: Power Clean (3×12) 12:00 Running Clock 3 Sets, 12 Unbroken Reps Building in Weight Sets of 12 reps should be completed unbroken without dropping the bar. A rough estimate of where you might complete these reps is at 55-65% of your 1RM power clean WOD:...
Tuesday 01.07.25

Tuesday 01.07.25

WOD: “Sixth Sense” AMRAP 6: 200 Meter Run Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 6: 400 Meter Run Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 6: 600 Meter Run Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 6: 800 Meter Run Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 6: 1,000 Meter Run Max...
Monday 01.06.25

Monday 01.06.25

Strength: Front Rack Step Back Lunges for load: 12:00 Running Clock 3 Working Sets * 6 Reps Each Leg * Build In Weight To Technical Failure WOD: “Heads or Tails” AMRAP 12: 6 Dumbbell Snatches (R) 6 Dumbbell Goblet Reverse Lunges 6 Dumbbell Snatches (L) 6 Dumbbell...
Saturday 01.04.25

Saturday 01.04.25

WOD: “Cleaning Crew” [TEAMS OF 3] AMRAP 25: 90/75 Calorie Row, 60 Clean & Jerks 90/75 Calorie Row, 45 Clean & Jerks 90/75 Calorie Row, 30 Clean & Jerks 90/75 Calorie Row, Max Clean & Jerks Round 1: (115/85) Round 2: (135/95) Round 3: (155/105)...